Filtering by: “Meditation Retreats”
You Are Not Your Pain- A Five Day Workshop
to Jul 12

You Are Not Your Pain- A Five Day Workshop

A Five-Day Intensive Residential Workshop at the Omega Institute
taught with Mary Rothfusz
special guest (online) Vidyamala Burch

This retreat is a rare opportunity to completely immerse yourself in life-changing practices and skills for living well with pain and illness, through the signature course, “You Are Not Your Pain” of the UK-based Breathworks team. You will be able to practice within a supportive and caring environment, amongst others on a similar journey, guided by two of highly skilled teachers — and with live video presentations and Q&A with Vidyamala Burch, the co-founder of Breathworks and the author of You Are Not Your Pain.

Chronic pain and health issues can feel unbearable, debilitating, and unfair. Vidyamala sustained several spinal injuries as a young woman, requiring multiple surgeries, and left her with partial paraplegia and severe chronic pain. She began to explore mindfulness and meditation in her twenties to manage her pain and found them profoundly life-changing and transformative. Breathworks has grown to become a flourishing and dynamic international organization with over 450 accredited teachers in over 35 countries. The Breathworks approach to living with chronic pain and illness is evidence-based, has been backed by significant research, and has changed the lives of thousands of people suffering from long-term conditions.

You can learn to live a rich and full life, restore your well-being, and truly feel that your pain or health condition is well managed.

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A Taste of Freedom

A Taste of Freedom

A Taste of Freedom
Jon Aaron and Upayadhi
a day of practice

In spiritual freedom, we do not become free from events, but we become free within events. Circumstances lose their power to lacerate our minds. - Gavin Harrison

The Buddha’s Third Noble Truth tells us: there is freedom from suffering. Certainly, there have been times in our lives when we have momentarily tasted at least a glimpse of this freedom. The Buddha prescribed a path for a more enduring, if not permanent, liberation. This path is a profound prescription for how to live and, in so doing, create a world where freedom becomes possible for all.

Through cultivating wise view and intention, ethical living, and wise effort, mindfulness and tranquility, we begin to see the fruits of our practice. On this day of practice, through meditation, chanting, silence and community, will co-create a compassionate spaciousness to remind ourselves of what is already here, to reconnect with a taste of freedom that does not rely on circumstance or worldly matters. We will also explore the Buddhist teachings of non-harm and non-violence.

Interestingly, an unconditioned and liberated mind does require some basic material conditions. We can’t cultivate an unobstructed heart without what the Buddha called “requisites for practice.” Traditionally these include shelter, clothing, and access to food, clean water and medicine. In this spirit, we will be donating 20% of our proceeds to organizations offering humanitarian relief and working for lasting peace in the Middle East and the Congo.

What? A day of practice, alternating between sitting meditation, walking meditation, dharma talks, gentle movement, chanting, extended periods of silence, and a listening meditation circle.

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The Heart of Mindfulness: A Silent Meditation Retreat
to Dec 17

The Heart of Mindfulness: A Silent Meditation Retreat

As the year and all its intensity come to a close, we invite you to join us for a contemplative and spacious meditation retreat on the beautiful campus of the Dharmakaya Retreat Center for Wellbeing. Creating a nourishing pause before the demands of the holiday season and the start of a new year, we aim to rest and restore our nervous systems, enliven and deepen our meditation practice, and give ourselves the gift of a winter solstice reset.

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Body as Mountain, Mind as Sky
to Sep 4

Body as Mountain, Mind as Sky

  • Rocky Mountain Eco-Dharma Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Body as Mountain, Mind as Sky 
Exploring our True Nature in Nature
A 5-Night Silent Retreat over Labor Day Weekend
  with Jon Aaron and Johann Robbins 

These frequently quoted phrases by the 13th Century Zen master Dogen evoke a feeling of embodied freedom and will form the basis for this retreat.  So often we live as though we are separate from nature when in fact, we are nature. Most of this retreat will be outside- sitting, walking and just being in the surrounding beauty.   The exquisite natural beauty of the RMEDC will provide all the support needed live into Dogen’s words.

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Finding the Stillness Within
to Mar 31

Finding the Stillness Within

A Weekend Retreat
Finding the Stillness Within
Friday March 29-Sunday March 31
 hosted by Insight Meditation of Cleveland


The theme for this retreat is Finding the Stillness Within. What happens when we drop our digital devices, cut down our sensory input and come to silence?  This is what we discover on retreat.   Thoughts and unhelpful emotional states that clutter the mind and are the result of our daily life start to clear away like clouds, and the stillness which is our natural state becomes our place of refuge.  In this still place of refuge, wisdom and compassion can naturally arise.   This mindfulness meditation weekend retreat will alternate between guided sitting meditations and various mindful movement practices with evening talks and individual teacher meetings. It is wonderful opportunity for those with limited meditation experience who have not experienced a silent retreat.

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Improvising Life, a Five-Day Silent Retreat on the Sea
to Jun 17

Improvising Life, a Five-Day Silent Retreat on the Sea

Improvising Life-- a Five-Day Silent Retreat at Mercy by the Sea
Madison, CT -- Sponsored by Copper Beech Institute

Our life unfolds like music from an orchestra. We respond or react depending on the tonality in any given moment. Over time, we gain a fixed interpretation of this music, and expect it to continue to unfold in a similar way according to our tastes and preferences. We are thrown off base when a discordant note arrives. Through practice, though, we learn to improvise and begin to realize that riffing off the discordant can create beauty.

This is an opportunity to renew and deepen your practice of compassion and mindfulness meditation, and live fully in a strong, supportive, and beautiful environment enhanced by silence with the support of experienced teachers.

Much of our time will be spent engaged in sitting and walking meditation with periods of mindful movement. The teachers will provide meditation instruction and guidance along with daily talks.


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Silent Mindfulness Meditation Retreat at the Sienna Retreat Center, Racine Wisconsin
to May 19

Silent Mindfulness Meditation Retreat at the Sienna Retreat Center, Racine Wisconsin


Join Jon Aaron and Beth Mulligan in exploring and practicing the foundational teachings of Mindfulness in a 5-night silent residential retreat.  This retreat will take place at the lovely Sienna Retreat Center on the shores of Lake Michigan

Co-Sponsored by the The University Of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Mindfulness and Mindful-Way Stress Reduction Programs


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